Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ice Day

First off, let me just say that I hate cold weather.  I desperately wanted to stay inside in my pajamas today underneath a layer of blankets; however, I am a mother of boys.  As a mother of boys I have a certain obligation to make sure they go outside to play - especially if there's something particularly dangerous about the weather. Levi didn't really want to go outside, but Andrew lives for the "SIDE" (outside in Andrew lingo).  He stood by the windows all morning pointing and saying, "side, side, side, side, side".  So, we bundled up and went outside.  We trekked around the pond twice.  We threw the ball into the basketball goal once (it was frozen solid so the ball stuck).  Andrew slipped and fell flat on his face and I thought for sure he was ready to go in; but as soon as we went inside he started crying for the "SIDE" once again.  He's a man. 


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Check - one, two... Is this thing on?

What makes someone wait THREE YEARS to update their blog?  Life does, that's what.
I'd ramble on about the meaning of life for a while, but that's not what you came for now, is it?  You want to know about cute things my adorable kids are doing. 

Andrew has discovered the joys of hurling balls at goals.  His accuracy is at about 5% but his enthusiasm is through the roof.  He's got a good arm and (as much as it pains me to say) may have some baseball in his future (barf).  He's gotten really good at the "vroom, vroom" sound that you're supposed to make whenever pushing toy cars and trucks around.  He says "tank u" and sometimes says "peas".  We have a consultation for tubes in our ears on Thursday.  He's had a LOT of ear infections lately so we're hoping that tubes will cut down on that.  Now that working, middle-class people don't get good health insurance anymore, we can't afford to be running to the doctor every week for antibiotics.  (Insert  never-ending rant about health insurance and state's rights here). 

Levi is not quite smarter than me yet, but he's working on it.  He's been doing a lot of math for fun lately and that really freaks me out.  He likes to watch basketball on television, but will also watch some golf. We are proud to say that he got NO new electronic devices for Christmas but did get a couple of new games for his WiiU.  As a parent who is completely addicted to the internet and electronics, I'm hoping that my boys will get the chance to see the world (or at least the backyard) before Youtube and Facebook turns their brains to mush.  Is there an App for that?  Yes, it's called "unplugged". What did Levi get for Christmas?  An electric pencil sharpener - that's what he asked for. (Don't worry - he got a whole bunch of other stuff too - but the pencil sharpener was the high point!)

Well, that's all I have for now.  I apologize profusely for all that's been left unsaid over the past three years. Let's face it guys, so much of what is said these days should have gone unsaid anyway. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Florida Update :)

First the good news: We're having a blast! Levi is being an absolute angel and loving all the attention from Aunt Maquel, Uncle JD, Meemaw and Sir! We're not too sunburnt and the daytime weather has been pretty good. I'm getting some much deserved relaxation time!
Now bad news: We had a really bad storm last night that actually blew in the door to our condo! The winds were so strong, it bowed the door in and busted the frame from the wall. We had the patio door open which caused a wind tunnel and chaos ensued!!!!! It was the scariest thing I have ever experienced in my life. It took three people to close the door and hold it closed until the wind slowed down. Worse news, another storm is blowing up right now :( A couple of pics of the light show after the storm passed:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's been a while...

So, I realized today that it's been a while since I posted anything to ye' olde blog. Although, I'm sure nobody noticed, I'm still inclined to apologize. For the sake of posterity, here are some cute things that Levi has been up to lately: - He loves basketball. He plays basketball for an hour or more every single day. It's by far his favorite game. - he sings commercials, all the time. He never says CFSB center without adding, "your life, your bank" - potty trained - 100% - He loves to help with laundry. He knows how to load the dryer and turn it on.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick r' Treat

Fall Pictures...

Here's some fall pictures to show you what Levi's been up to. Some of the pictures are from the cook-out we had with the Dunnaway side last weekend and some are of Levi checking out the pumpkin we finally tracked down yesterday! Wal-Mart and Kroger are both out of Pumpkins!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Levi was proud to represent FNB Bank in the Murray Freedom Fest Parade today. He was escorted by Nana and PawPaw and was the star of the entire event. The mayor just called to let me know that they are renaming the parade in honor of Levi Dunnaway - the coolest kid in Murray. With the assistance of an eager Nana, Levi tracked down enough candy to last him and plenty of other parade paraphernalia. If you're wondering, yes that is a harness my son is wearing. It's hard to keep a leash on greatness, but we do the best we can.